Rocker Balance Board
The Wiwiurka XXL Rocker Balance is a children’s wooden rocker, a popular item for Montessori and Waldorf playrooms!
This Rocker Balance Board is for the Mama of Many. Take a much needed break and watch as your children play together, strengthen their communication skills and learn the value of teamwork.
Never let staying indoors prevent another day of exploration or imaginative play.
Promotes body awareness, balance and coordination
Great for vestibular input
The size of this big balance board contributes to its longevity
It encourages imaginative play for your child well into their toddler and childhood years
Ways To Play with your kids rocker board:
Crawl in its giant opening like a cave or climb over it like you’re scaling a mountain.
Turn it upside down and sit inside, like a boat on the ocean or turn it on it’s side for a makeshift lemonade stand
Use it as a crawling cave
Perfect as a counter for pretend play
47 inches long
25 inches wide
24 inches tall
Weight limit is: 180 pounds
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